mom gave a bone call & we ran to the point verge...the kitchen pantry door! you know L.'s whole teasing story, so i won't bore you with the details of how this time usually goes. but, as ususal, i *ate* my bone. i ambled back to the lofty viewing area also known as mom & dad's room, giving my best "i would like to sun on the deck eyes." mom - who *gets* me - complied & used her opposible thumbs to open the deck door.
aaaaahhhhh...the sun & a full tummy. heavy. dog. sigh. peace at last - but not for long. in short order i hear the click-click-click of L.'s high hound fashion walk. a quick glance reveals her choice landing...the dog cushion with bone-in-mouth.
ok, so yet again, she is in the tease mode. i am torn.
i am outside.
the bone is in full view.
i want in!!!
mom sees my longing (but does she *know*??)...& she graciously opens the door. uh oh. first dog dilemma of the day...there is the deck door... & directly in front of it is the bed in all its length.
the path to anything leads by the bone. i must walk around the bed. i must walk within INCHES of the coveted bone. i must walk within INCHES of L.
i want OUT!!!
i want my BATHTUB!!!!
mom catches the drama & laughs...she laughs, people! where is the love?!?
so here i am stuck at the closed door with nowhere to go...i am not allowed on the precious people bed. L. will tear me limb-from-limb if i take one more step in her direction...what do i do????
mom, my best ally, is getting hysterical with laughter - she does know! this is not funny! over the bed?? (mom?) run by L., fast??(L.??) bed? L.? i'm dead...GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! BWAHHHAHAHA BWAHAHA!!!
finally i make my is so much nicer than L. & it's over the bed i go, tail between my labrador legs...
my oh my oh my! forget the milk bone, i just want to save my hide. besides, mom is laughing waaaaaaay too hard to be effective at anything, let alone scold poor me for a split second of time on people furniture! i'm safe. i'm outta here! not
phil - 0 L. - 1