Friday, November 30, 2007

one sick puppy...

poor, poor L. she did not have the best of weeks...most of the recent days she has been sick (too much stolen turkey, perhaps?)& all she has been doing is moping around.she won't even play the biscuit game. heck, she doesn't even want to go into the kitchen. now i feel badly that i have been blog-teasing her so much. mom says she is on the mend, but still... i guess i better be extra nice to her! get well, L.!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

does this rug make my bum look good...?

oh L.

what a silly, silly girl you are.

mom & dad did not buy that rug as an accessory for your fur. it is merely soft on their human feet (remember that they do not have padding like we do).

we *know* that it matches your coloring perfectly, but are taking this rug thing a bit too far!
(she will not get off that thing, people!)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

how weird are we???


apparently, quite!
but...hear me out. when mom & dad were remodeling the kitchen, they absolutely did not explain this contraption to L. or me. if they had, i would have been more discerning. imagine my embarrassment when i found out this was kitchen cabinetry & not the very latest in doggy decor. to me it was so very enclosed space (for privacy) with a lot of leg room (heck, even room to share with L!), and with very easy, almost immediate access to the pantry door (biscuits right inside!). really, the only thing missing was a cushy dog pillow! (that should have been a clue, i guess.)
mom's hysterical laughter also should have alerted me to the fact that i was out in left field. she was laughing at us so hard that she had a hard time taking photos. (really, i could have done without photographic evidence, but...) shortly after this lazy moment in my new & short-lived kingdom, some contractor types installed things like interior shelves, counters, a cook top, & the dredded cabinet doors. i no longer fit in this delightful space (& i very much doubt mom would enjoy me lying among her pots & pans even if i could squeeze in)...but on the plus that the cook top is functioning, many, many good things just seem to fall off that counter & into my slobbery mouth!

Friday, November 16, 2007

nap time!

we'll take 'em any way we can!

& we're still in post-kennel recovery! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

post-kennel dog coma...

right here. right now...
L....oh, L.!c'mon...give us a little smile...

Friday, November 9, 2007

oh. no.

i just heard mom utter the "K" word.

no, not K-Bug...she's oK.
the *other* "K" word...the one all dogs dread...

somebody help. please.
i like being on the open road with my slobbery mouth hanging out the window & the breeze blowing through my ears. i like visiting Mrs. T. (mom's soul sister) & her people. i like weather. why can't i goooooooooo???????
i'll even wear the goofy party hats again. i promise not to chew the party horn. i swear i will not fall prey to L.'s antics. i'll be a good boy. pretty, pretty please...
have you ever heard the expression "hang dog" look? well, mom said i have it. if that means i don't want to be left behind, that's it!! but mom's not budging on this. not one iota. so it's off to the kennel...i can't even *blog* from there. oh, the horror!! i do not want to go. did i already say that??
in case you are wondering...this is L.'s opinion of the kennel...
(wonder if they'll need a muzzle??!?!)
it's no use, people...i'm off, leashed & all.. food & bed & biscuits in tow ('cause i'm not eating *their* stuff)...see you next week!