Saturday, June 14, 2008

how do you spell relief???

did you hear what happened?huh, huh?...didya??mom tricked us again! there L. & i were just minding our own dog businesswhen suddenly out comes a suitcase! now i may be a dog, but i am not dense...when the suitcase is out, that means travel is on the horizon. what kind of travel, you ask...well, in our house there are 2 basic kinds~~ the kind that includes dogs & the kind that does not.
includes dogs = good.
doesn't include dogs = not so good.
now if the travel does not include dogs, then we have another breakdown...ya follow??
doesn't include dogs but grandparents are dog sitting = good...actually quite excellent as far as access to people food goes.
doesn't include dogs & dogs go to the *kennel*...folks, this is omg bad! uber bad! so much so that i lose my biscuit focus bad.
usually in the days preceding travel, L. & i get a whiff of which type of travel it is.if the car is completely loaded & L. & i are the last to get in...that means travel including dogs.
if the grandparents show up before the car is packed...that means dog sitting in our cushy digs time.
if one or both of us goes to the vet to get a shot...that means kennel time.
this time was a no-brainer, or so we thought. the same day as the appearance of the suitcases, the grandparents arrived. no trips to the vet ensued. suitcases were packed. suitcases were carried outside. so far, so good. but when we were called to the suitcases! no traveling people! just L. & i with mom & Little Man.uh oh. it was kennel time!drat. (apparently the suitcases were in the other vehicle.) so off we went...for 12 days. at the kennel. while our peeps were visiting other peeps i can only dream about in places that i will never see.
(insert pity party here.)
but they did come home...& after a nice bath, exhaustive chasing of the football, extra biscuits, & the nap-mode on our super-awesome doggy bed L. & i are back in the dog days of summer groove!

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