we have several tricks we employ to make our kitchen time more productive. the first is to be a "speed bump"! mom is forever ripping through her appliance triangle to create culinary delights for "them"...but what about us? oh, yeah. the speed bump sloooooows her down, trips her, sends food flying in *our* general direction (ie., the floor). hehe.
some days, she is in less of a hurry (less likely to trip 'n drop), and then the speed bump leads into our other trick - it turns her attention toward which time we put on our best pity faces! L. sometimes even lowers herself to *my* standards and actually begs on her haunches! what a sight! mom says things like "oh, how cute you two are" and "see how much they love me - they just won't leave me alone."
uh huh. just drop some food lady. well, not really, but sometimes.
some days the pity face/beg routine is just soooooooooo very good that we get an extra biscuit or....gasp! *people food*!!
now with mom, it's usually a benign but very tasty treat like a sliver of the fat trimmed off some meat. but if Little Man is around, not so much. that kid has strings attached, if you know what i mean. and he doesn't limit his strings to humiliating trick requirements.
oh. no.
he goes for the jugular...his strings-for-treats make *us* look ridiculous while not raising the ire of mom. a safe bet here is peanut butter.
so good and so bad - all at the same time. a bad gift that keeps on giving, long past when you want it to stop giving...
notice L. she has a shorter memory than me on this one. one swipe of that brown goo on Little Man's finger & she is in her best "brown nose" posture. (is that a pun?)
L., do you know just how hideous you look...begging and licking like a complete fool!
never mind that my own drool trail is puddling on the floor at the thought of one taste. just one taste. (i can quit anytime i want!)
hammfmafmfmaflllff. amfhlllfhafafffhhahmf.
dog - 0, peanut butter - 1
Peanut butter...yum!
Having to lick and lick and lick...not so yum.
Hee hee. Luna just got a peanut butter fix yesterday for the first time in a long time :)
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